Andrew McDonough

Please note: This page is imported from my wiki, which hasn't been updated in over 10 years. Some of the formatting was lost during the import. I'll try to get around to fixing it someday.

Excel Macros

Macros using relative references

  • One of the annoying things about recording Excel Macros, is that their default behaviour will record absolute ** references to the cells operated on. You can change this, so that the Macro will operate on cells **relative to the starting one. This behaviour is much more desirable. This is done by clicking the Reletive Reference button in the Stop Recording toolbar. It is fairly likely that this toolbar is not enabled. You can enable it by going to View->Toolbars->Customize…, then checking Stop recording under the Toolbars tab. Alternatively, activate it programatically from VBA: Application.CommandBars(“Stop Recording”).Visible = True

Andrew McDonough

Andrew McDonough is a consultant CTO and software developer, currently based between Berlin and London.

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