Andrew McDonough

Please note: This page is imported from my wiki, which hasn't been updated in over 10 years. Some of the formatting was lost during the import. I'll try to get around to fixing it someday.


Differences from MySQL

  • Quoting must be done using single quotes (’) not double quotes (“)


SQLPlus is annoying as it has no command editing, completion or history. gqlplus is a better implementation which has all of these so should be used instead. Below, gqlplus will be referred to as SQLplus.

You can connect to an oracle on database by launching SQL*Plus on the command line:

sqlplus /@

All of the table details are held in a meta table called alltables. Standard SQL queries can be made on this e.g. desc alltables; select tablename from alltables; c.f. MySQL show tables;

You can run sql scripts at the command line by entering @/path/to/script

gqlplus - This is a replacement for sqlplus with command editing, command completion and command histories.

SQL Navigator

F3 goes to run SQL


Oracle database aliases are defined in the tnsnames.ora file. Use locate to find this. The alias definitions are in the form:


   (SERVICE_NAME = prodsdb)


Where PRODSDB is the alias name

Oracle and PHP

PHP usually comes with functions built in to connect to Oracle databases. The most modern of these is the Oracle Call Interface (OCI). All functions belonging to this interface have the prefix OCI.

Interacting with the database using OCI

$connection = OCILogin($username, $password, $databasealias); $query = “SELECT * FROM sometable”; $statement = OCIParse($connection, $query); OCIExecute($statement); while ( OCIFetchInto($statement, &$result) ) { printr($result); }


Andrew McDonough

Andrew McDonough is a consultant CTO and software developer, currently based between Berlin and London.

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